
Monday, February 14, 2005

Marvel gets green at Emerald City

Okay, there's a cool post on The Pulse about the Marvel panel at this year's Emerald Comicon, but you have to scroll to find it because you can't get the url to the post itself. Weird. Anyway, the article starts off with the ever present question of continuity as answered by Brian Michael Bendis:

“Continuity is extremely important. There’s a rich history of these characters that we love, but the trap is--and some books are a slave to this—they start referencing every little thing that has happened over the 40 years when really--our job is to push forward. Imagine in your life, every time you did anything you turned to someone and told them everything that every happened to you up until that point in time. You don’t—you live in the now, you move forward with your life. We love our continuity, we embrace our continuity and any where we can pull a great story out of the continuity, we grab it. But overall, our job is to push forward and not contradict the continuity and make the new legends of Marvel Comics.”

That's a really good point. Ed Brubaker, current Captain America writer and recent Marvel exclusive employee answered another burning comic question, how do you decide what kind of story to write:

“You try to keep yourself entertained. If you’re the kind of person that wants to read that stuff yourself, you’ll write it. Occasionally, it’s fun to play with the audiences expectations when they expect a cliché. You can pull the rug out from under their feet.”

Cool stuff. Check out the full story for more cool stuff.


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