
Monday, February 14, 2005

Not So Fictional NYC

The New York Times is running a piece today about Brian K. Vaughn's Ex Machina, a series which I have to say has been one of my favorites now on the racks since it started over the summer. As George Gene Gustines states, the book has had a close eye on the real situations involving September 11, gay marriage, and controversial art exhibitions that have been the subjects of daily headlines over the last few years. He also gets a few quotes from Vaughn.

"I've always been interested in politics, especially local politics, which I think are a lot sexier" than national politics, said Mr. Vaughan. "Mayors are the equivalent of beat cops - you never know what to expect that day on the street."

The gay marriage storyline, which began in November, was developed early last year, shortly before dozens of gay couples started marrying in San Francisco last February but long before Mayor Bloomberg entered the fray last week. New York, Mr. Vaughan said, has brought the issue back into focus on the municipal level. "I just lucked out or I was eerily prescient," he added.


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