
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Virgin Comics strikes again

When Richard Branson tried to launch Virgin Cola in the United States some 10+ years ago, the man behind the worldwide Virgin brand drove a tank down 5th Avenue in New York City and then "blew up" the Coke sign in Times Square, mocking the Pepsi/Coke Cola Wars.

So seeing the new Virgin Comics ad, which the company unveiled this week, should bring no surprises, as once again the company takes aim at the two "big dogs" and the "big event" comic wars:

You can read more about Virgin Comics over at their official website.


At 4/25/2006 10:21:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I figured these books were aimed at the manga market, but this ad is clearly aimed at hardcore superhero fans.

The bigger question: has anyone actually seen a Virgin Cola in stores in the last ten years?

At 4/25/2006 10:30:00 AM, Blogger Hate Filled Poster said...

I didn't even know there was a Virgin Cola, so no, I haven't seen one.

I'd like to see these comics hit big, but I'm betting this is just another Crossgen.

At 4/25/2006 10:39:00 AM, Blogger Dean Trippe said...

Meh. It's way easier to take shots at the problems of the big two than to show why anyone should pay attention to another upstart comics publisher.

At 4/26/2006 07:43:00 AM, Blogger Mark "Puff" Anderson said...

See I see more of a problem with comic book fanboy geeks having the fortitude to carry a comic book with the word virgin on it to the counter for purchase.




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