Can't Wait for Wednesday
It seems like most weeks the new comic list is overrun with #1 issues from Marvel, but this week DC plays "catch up" with the debut of three new high-profile series, Skye Runner, Ion and Checkmate. This week also brings the last issue of the Seven Soldiers' series Frankenstein, meaning the grand finale is just around the corner.
Marvel, meanwhile, resurrects annuals in the 616 with the release of New Avengers annual, which features the return of an old villain and a super hero wedding (*sniff*). If you're looking for something a bit longer and meatier to read, the Eisner-winning webcomic Mom's Cancer is collected in a hardcover. If you never read the webcomic, then this is definitely something to check out.Shane Bailey's Pick(s) of the Week
Solo #10 or Sentry #8: I'm not the biggest fan of Damion Scott, but I think even the weakest issue of solo is more impressive than most of what the big two has to offer lately. I'm going to be sad to see it go.
As for Sentry, I think I may be one of the few people really enjoying the character in the hands of Paul Jenkins. (Bendis' use of the character as a Superman light doesn't cut it.) I love the idea of a powerful hero that isn't "all there" all the time and has issues they have to work through. To me this series goes back to the
core of what made the first Marvel characters tick. It doesn't do it as well, but it's the closest we've seen to a "real" Marvel character in quite some time. The Sentry as an idea isn't "there" yet, but it certainly has potential.
(Props to Shane for our new logo!)Chris Hunter's Pick of the Week
Astonishing X-Men #14: Whedon and Cassaday have created arguably the best X-Men team book in years. Each issue is an event without the hype and takes you into the mind and personality of the characters like no other X-Men series out there.Tom Bondurant's Pick of the Week
It's hard to choose between Dark Horse's new Star Wars special, Tag & Bink: Revenge of the Clone Menace, and the conclusion of Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein. Both should be very funny, but in very different ways. Also, the last Infinite Crisis special comes out tomorrow, and since it takes off from Villains United, it should be the best. Still, for sentimental reasons I'm going with The Thing #6, because I am an old fanboy and I roll with Dan Slott.JK's Pick of the Week
Lucifer #73: With only two issues left before the series finale (#75), the anticipation begins to build to the series' natural concluding confrontation: God vs. Lucifer, round 2. Until then, I'll enjoy each page of this while it's around.
So what are you looking forward to this week? Check out the Diamond shipping list and let us know!
Whoops! I should have said "Wednesday" instead of "tomorrow," but obviously I can't wait....
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