The comic blogosphere seems to grow larger every day and just like comics, sometimes it's pretty easy to get a little lost. "Meanwhile..." will act as your map pointing out what interesting discussions are happening out there while you're reading the Great Curve.
This time around we look at Myths, Bored Bloggers, the NYT, Scooping the Scoopers, Looking at Things From a Different Perspective, and much more.
Herakles and Comics
Following up a little from last week's link to the discussion of comics and myth, Scipio explains the mention of "Hercules' Lament" in the recent issue of Justice.
"Herakles (or Hercules, as the Romans called him) was the big kahuna of the demigods; if you got into a fight with Herakles, you lost. If your army got into a fight with Herakles, it lost. That's why most of his exploits involved fighting monsters (like Superman in the 1980s and 1990s) or using his abilities in clever ways to solve seemingly unsolvable problems (like Superman in the 1950s and 1960s)."
Scipio, as good a blogger as he is, sometimes just doesn't get it. For instance, he just doesn't understand the need for a character like Space Cabby.
When Bloggers Bore
This is what happens when people have too much time. 994 Comments off of a post with only the word "blog".
Hernandez Times
It took me long enough, but I finally purchased a Palomar and I'm a recent convert to Los Bros. This week Jamie Hernandez started his strip in the New York Times. Good timing eh?
Well, When You Put it That Way
I'm sure you've all seen the recent All-Star Batman and Robin cover featuring Wonder Woman being objectified. Nothing new right? Not too shocking really since we see it all the time in comics. Well, we don't see males being objectified often. Point made.
Help Wanted
Kevin needs an artist. If you've got some talent help him out, will ya? Don't you want people that love things like gorilla's playing baseball to inject some fun back into comics?
Grant Morrison and the Pillsbury Doughboy
You know you would buy it. Seriously though, Grant and the Doughboy show up in this week's Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed over at Comics Should Be Good.
Manga, Manwha, or OEL? has made a fun little game out of reading TokyoPop's solicits and the lack of significant information available. Go play Manga, Manwha, or OEL?.
Happy Anniversary
Comics Worth Reading is two.
Madinkbeard, too!
Not Comics
Sean Collins points us to an excellent Sopranos discussion.
Dark But Shining's writings on horror have been one some of my favorite reads lately.
The Death of The Critic in design can easily be applied to Comic criticism as well.
That's one hell of a rainbow.
People say that most of the comic reading audience doesn't really go online to talk about comics. I say that it's not for lack of access. Recent stats say that 68.6 % of North America and 15.7 % of the world have access to the internet now. If a major percentage of the comic reading public isn't online now I'm sure it's going to be soon.
The X-Box
Dave continues the extra long X-men Week over at his blog with posts on The X-Men and Me, THE UNCANNY X-MEN #205, and one of my personal favorites THE UNCANNY X-MEN #200.
The ISB Rules
Chris has been knocking them out of the park this week over at the ISB. I laughed out loud when I saw the phrase "Boneclaws are now Essential" in his review of Essential Wolverine Volume 4. Then if you read a little farther down his blog you'll come across The Highly Disturbing Love Life of Kara Zor-El that really puts the current belly button baring Kara to shame. To cap it all off he's told a heartwarming story of a young child that recently visited his shop looking for a comic.
Right Before Your Eyes
Visit The Hurting and you'll never look at the current Mr.Terrific the same again. You were warned.
Shuma-Gorath gets his due. I never even knew who the Marvel vs. Capcom villain was until I read this post, let alone that he was a Dr.Strange villain. While your face down in the gutters you might want to read about an Avengers comic with the word "crossing" in it that's actually good.
No Sleeper Till Brooklyn
Looks like there isn't a Sleeper HC forthcoming any time soon, but Ed Brubaker says that Sleeper fans may enjoy his next series. Thanks Zilla!
Imbibing at The Isotope
Wow, the Isotope looks like it really knows how to throw a party. Wish I was there.
Pretty Graphs
The Legion Omnicom links to graphs representing sales of the various Legion series since 1997. Needless to say they were all over the place.
Michael, from the Legion Omnicom, stopped by the comment section of this post and had this to say:
"Thanks for the link to the Omnicom. That plot, by the way, wasn't to show that sales were all over the place, it was originally intended just to show the sales. But then I correlated various events to the sales and found that yes, changing a creative team really does work from a sales standpoint. Abnett and Lanning increases sales by 50%, and the latest Waid reboot has unit sales at the highest point in a decade or more."
Legal These
Plok, of A Trout In the Milk, examines Legal Fictions in comics. I particularly enjoyed Part 2 where he talks about Daredevil.
"It doesn't matter if they find Matt Murdock's blood on the damn street, even if Daredevil was just there, blast it! They haven't proved Matt is Daredevil! I mean he could use anything as an alibi, anything at all, he could say he was in the bathroom! "But...we found some drops of blood outside your apartment in the street..." SO?!? YOUR POINT, G-MAN?!? Hell, even if they caught him and unmasked him, don't you see, they could never prove he was really Daredevil, just that he was dressed as him that one time!"
Oh, did you read how I said I've been enjoying the Sentry lately, but not Bendis' depiction in New Avengers back in the last Can't Wait For Wed. post?
Plok doesn't really like Sentry because he's being pushed on us, I tend to agree with him even though I enjoyed the mini-series.
What Would Kalarina Do?
We now know what she would do if she was writing Nightwing. It has to be better than the comic as it is now, doesn't it?
Color Me Jaded
I didn't realize how jaded I had become until Ragnell showed the love to a little book called Generation X #1 and I realized different comics can mean totally different things to different people. Beautiful work.
Iron Covers
Everyone may not agree with ADD all the time, but he knows his Iron Man covers.
Sterling Scoops
So, read many rumor columns this week? It seems Mike Sterling scooped both LITG and All The Rage this week with his posting of an edit to the recent Outisders trade eliminating a reference to incest.
This Week's Illustation Site

Thanks for the link to the Omnicom. That plot, by the way, wasn't to show that sales were all over the place, it was originally intended just to show the sales. But then I correlated various events to the sales and found that yes, changing a creative team really does work from a sales standpoint. Abnett and Lanning increases sales by 50%, and the latest Waid reboot has unit sales at the highest point in a decade or more.
Wow, this is a nice collection of links. Thanks for adding mine, (and for the previous links, I'm going to get a big head from this. :-))
And I don't know about better, but I have to admit, I don't really see how mine would be *worse* than what's going on now. :-)
Michael, I did notice that. I just went for the quick smart-ass remark instead of stating your main point, sorry. I'll append your comment to mine to better portray the whole point of your post. I'm a sales figure junky myself.
Kalinara, you've been doing great. I would actually buy your take on Nightwing, that character has so much unrealized potential and is just being wasted.
Plok, I won't lie, some of your posts are a little tough to get through, but they're always interesting and look at things in new ways. Thanks for blogging.
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