
Monday, April 24, 2006

The Lone and Level Sands wins Howard E. Day award

The Lone and Level Sands by A. David Lewis and Marvin Perry Mann has won the Howard E. Day Memorial Prize for best small press and alternative comic in the business.

From the press release: "Wow!" said Dave Lewis, writer of THE LONE AND LEVEL SANDS. "When I first heard the book was short-listed for the Day Prize, I was thrilled. Then when Dave Sim called me to let me know we won---well in advance of the official announcement on May 13---I said I didn't know if I could keep quiet about it very long, I was so excited. I had to ask him, 'Is it okay for us to go ahead and alert the media?' Dave laughed and said, 'Yes, go right ahead.'"

Mann, illustrator of THE LONE AND LEVEL SANDS, said, "While we were working on the book, we both knew we had something special on our hands, but you really don't know how it will be received until it's out there for all to see and read. It's very rewarding to be recognized by such an honor as the Day Prize."

The Day Prize awards ceremony will be held May 13 at the annual Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo (SPACE) in Columbus, OH. Named for late Canadian comic book artist Howard Eugene Day and selected by his protégé Dave Sim (CEREBUS), the Day Prize draws from a pool of self-published and small press comics submitted at SPACE. More information on the Day Prize can be found at

For more on Dave Lewis, a former contributor to The Great Curve, and Caption Box, check out


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