R.I.P. Alex Toth
John Hitchcock announced on the Toth Fan Forums today that comic book and animation legend Alex Toth passed away at 7 this Saturday morning.
I hate to be the one with the bad news but Alex passed away at seven this morning May 27th. I got a call from Eric Toth and I am sure that he would want to thank all of you for all your love and kindness you have shown Alex in the last few years.This site meant a lot to Alex and all of you fine folks he thought alot of.
I do not have any information at this time about services but I think they will be private for family type service. And there will be a memorial panel at San Diego that every one can attend.
I have said this once before, but those 20 bags of letters and cards was a really beautiful thing for Alex.Not only was he shocked but I think he then knew how much he was loved by his fans and that his work will live forever.
Send up a prayer for him and his family tonight.
Shortly following John's message, Toth's son Eric left a message on the Forums confirming the news:
I am Alex's oldest son Eric. I meant to be the one to let everyone know that my father did pass away this morning drawing/writing at his table. I do not have any further details other than I will forward an address for those interested in sending cards. We will arrange something appropriate at or around the convention this summer in San Diego. As John shared, all of your cards and letters of the recent past were very much appreciated by my father. Only in these last years did he begin to understand and accept the fact that his work had touched so many people's lives. In time, more information will follow.
Thank you.
Eric and family.
Born in 1928, Toth's career took him into the worlds of both comic books and animation over the years. Some of his best-known work was for Hanna-Barbera throughout the 1960s and 1970s on shows like Space Ghost, Challenge of the Superfriends, Fantastic Four, Herculoids, Birdman and Jonny Quest. His artwork has appeared in comics published by DC Comics, Marvel, Standard, Dell, Warren, Famous Funnies and numerous others. You can find out more about Toth at http://www.tothfans.com/.
He will be greatly missed by his many fans over the years, and our hearts go out to his family and loved ones.

Via Warren Ellis
He was absolutly the greatest story teller of the comics medium.
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