The loneliest numbers: odds and ends from our DC survey

Of the 89 ballots e-mailed to me, most contained the full 50 entries, some went over by a couple, and a few let everything ride on just one character. Almost half of the 89 first-place votes were split, 27-15, between two characters. Fourteen characters appeared on at least 45 of the ballots, and a total of 581 names ended up competing for the top fifty spots. However, at the other end of the scoreboard, 216 characters only appeared on one ballot.
Here are those 216, which make up what I like to call the "Stump The Chump" list. Give ‘em a hug, even if some are ineligible:
Ace the Bat-Hound, Angle Man, Aquagirl (Lorena), Arak, Ares, Arion, Atomic Skull (Joseph Martin), Atrophos of Blight, Baby Wildebeest, Balloon Buster, Bane, Baron Blitzkrieg, Beaker Parish, Beautiful Dreamer, Andrew Bennett (I ... Vampire!), Beowulf, Bernie The Brain, Bibbo Bibbowski, Bigsby Wolf, Black Alice, Black Condor (Ryan Matthews), Black Condor (Tom Wright), Black Mask, the Blimp (Herman Cramer), Blok, Brain Wave (Henry King, Sr), Brother Power, Brother Eye, Brian Bryan, Bulldozer (Easy Company), Bulletman, Calendar Man (Julian Day), Captain Fear, Captain Storm, Cave Carson, the Cheetah (Priscilla Rich), Cheshire, Chronos (Walker Gabriel), Cinderella, Cinnamon, Clayface III, the Clock King (William Tockman), Color Kid, Colossal Boy, Congorilla, the Corinthian, Creature Commandos, the Crime Syndicate of America (as a group), Crimson Fox (Constance D'Aramis), Culp, Dane Dorrance (Sea Devils), Darkstar (Ferrin Colos), Destruction of the Endless, Doctor Fate (Inza Nelson), Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi), Doctor Moon, Doctor Polaris (Neil Emerson), Doll Man, Doomsday, Henri Ducard, the Duke of Oil, Morgan Edge, Empress, the Eradicator, Eviless, the Fact, Fallen Angel, Felix Faust, Sebastian Faust, Fernus the Burning, Firebrand (Dannette Reilly), Firefly (Garfield Lyons), Rick Flag, the Flash (John Fox), Funky Flashman, Flippa Dippa, Foxglove, Fury (Lyta Hall), G.I. Robot, Garguax, Garryn Bek, Geist the Twilight Man, Gem Girl, General Dar-Nx, General (Hadrian), Geo-Force, Glorith, Gotham City, Green Lantern Soranik Natu, Guardian (Jim Harper), Guardians (OA), Hector Hammond, Harbinger, Heat Wave (Mick Rory), Hellgrammite, Hercules, Abby Holland, Icicle (Joar Mahkent), Infectious Lass, Ironwolf, Isis, Jakeem Thunder, the Jester, Johnny Double, Johnny Thunder (John Tane), Joker's Daughter, Joto (Isaiah Crocket), Tom Kalmaku, Kid Devil, Kid Psycho, Killer Shrike, Killer Moth, Kiteman, Kono, Kordax, L-Ron, Lady Cop, Lara Jor-El, Legion of Super-Heroes (as a group), Lori Lemaris, Lilith, Lobo, Steve Lombard, Looker, Dr. Will Magnus, Major Force, Manhunter 2070, Manitou Raven, Mano, Matter Master, Matthew the Raven, ‘Mazing Man, Merayn, Metallo, Mister Atom, Mister Banjo, Mlle. Marie, Mopee, Negative Woman (Valentina Vostok), Nemesis Kid, Neutron, Night Girl, Nightshade, Nomoz, Northwind, Number None, Oberon, Ocean Master, Parasite (Maxwell Jensen), Per Degaton, Phase (LEGION), Phobia, Plasmus, Plastique, PREZ, Prince Charming, Proty II, Quislet, Nyssa Raatko, Roy Raymond, Razorsharp, Red Star, Rival, the Rocket Red Brigade (as a group), Rorschach, the Sandman (Daniel), Maggie Sawyer, Scalphunter, Scarface, Scooter, the Secret, Sector 3600, the Shadow, William Shakespeare, the Shark, Shrinking Violet, Sister Lilhy, Snow White, Dudley "Deadly" Soames, Karel Sorenson, Space Ranger, the Spectre (Hal Jordan), Spider Jerusalem, Stanley & His Monster, Starman (Will Payton), Static (Virgil Hawkins), Steel (Hank Heywood III), Stone Boy, Strata (LEGION), Sugar (but not Spike), Super Chief, Super-Hip!, Superboy-Prime, Superwoman (Kristin Wells), Tarantula (Jonathan Law), Tattooed Man, Tempest (Josh Clay), Terra-Man, the Terrible Trio, Dr. Leslie Thompkins, Thorn (Rose Forrest), Angie Thriller, Green Lantern Tomar-Re, Tomorrow Woman, Topo, Traci 13, Steve Trevor, Typhoon, Uncle Marvel, Universo, Unnamed Neanderthal (Dial H For Hero), Rond Vidar, Vigilante (Adrian Chase), Paula von Gunther, Wally the God Boy (from Peter David's Supergirl), Linda Park West, KGB agent Zastrow, Zatara, and Zor.
Thanks to all who voted, and check back soon for the top 50!
Woooo! I had Stump The Chump character! I kick myself for not voting for Prez. Big thumbs up for whoever got him!
You mean I'm not the only one to vote for Sandy Hawkins? Really? Wow!
I had 2 Stump the Chumps. I think that one of mine was ineligble though.
Quislet was my contribution. He was #50 on my list.
It's sad, really.
I voted for Sector 3600, Zastrow, Typhoon, and Tomar-Re! OK, so I'm a bit odd...
But at least one other person voted for Driq, and that makes me feel better about everything.
I am a) delighted that DC has such a diverse cast of characters to pull from that fans think are good characters,
b) depressed how many of these 216 names I recognize without having to look up (isn't there some better use of my brain?)
c) bemused that Lobo got exactly one vote, the same as (ineligible) Spider Jerusalem, Bigby Wolf, Rorschach, and (bwa ha ha) William Shakespeare,
d) surprised that anyone put Fernus the Burning, the Duke of Oil, or Sister Lilhy on a list of the 50 GREATEST characters in the DCU.
Really? you couldn't come up with 50 characters better than Kiteman?
Will Magnus was mine.
A quick scan shows that only two of mine were products of my own weird tastes: Glorith and Phase. Was nice to see that someone out there had love for Garyn Bek and Strata, but even nicer to see that I wasn't the only vote for Vril Dox (although I bet I was the only one to place him so high on my list).
Long live L.E.G.I.O.N.!
I can't believe I'm the only one who voted Steve Trevor. He was one of a kind!
My god - just a quick look and I already have five on the only-lonelies list.
Nobody else picked Lady Cop?!
Tattooed Man and Fallen Angel are mine. Tattooed Man was #50, but Fallen Angel was #6! I forgot to include Terra Man. I'm about to do two or three posts about him at Ye Olde.
More surprising though is that obviously other people voted for Tyrannosaurus Reich, Major Bummer, and G'Nort!
Oh, and Cap'n Neurotic, I had V'ril Dox at #37 on my list.
I'll cop to being the weirdo who voted for Beautiful Dreamer, the Duke of Oil, Gem Girl, Kid Psycho, Looker, Plastique, and Super Chief (and if I'd've thought of Infectious Lass, I'd've maybe voted fer her too) -- what shocks *me* is that apparently I'm not the only one who voted for Bizarro-Flash...
Color Kid - I do love the Legion of Substitute Heroes.
I'm pleased and surprised that I wasn't the only one to include Ambush Bug's faithful sidekick, Cheeks, in my top 50.
And Kiteman was a nod to Scipio at the Absorbascon. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that I was the only one to include him. What happened my fellow KiteMan worshippers?
I voted for Vril Dox II at #40 or 41.
I can't believe no one else voted for Number None, but at least the Quiz garned a second vote.
I which I had thought of voting for the Fact!
I think more people would have voted for Kite-Man had they known his real name is Charles Brown.
Forgot to mention my three favorite malapropistic votes::
Manhunter (Marc Spector)
Green Arrow (Oliver North)
Changeling/Beast Boy (Garth Ennis).
Bless you, sweet Internet!
(Word verification: Kpkuy, which was Space Ranger's first pot-bellied sidekick)
Okay, maybe Kiteman wasn't my best choice. But I loved his two panels appearance in the Plastic Man Special.
I also voted for Lobo! Can't believe I was the only one.
Reading other comments I believe maybe my ballot never arrived. Charles Brown was #40 on my list.
Wait, where's the final list, then?
Am I missing something?
I'm hoping to have the final list up tomorrow. I figured this stuff would be anticlimactic otherwise.
Hey, where'd that list of 216 that was here before go to?...
We had some technical problems with the site earlier, which affected this page for some reason ... the list should be showing up now.
the only one who voted for Swamp Thing's wife
Sandman/Daniel, Zor and the Neanderthal from H-E-R-O #11 are mine.
I am the ONLY person to put Killer Moth on his list?
What is our world coming to?
I take credit (or blame) for The Corinthian, The Crime Syndicate of America and L-Ron. I also nearly voted for another half-dozen characters on this list, and am saddened that the Tattooed Man is so unloved by so many.
Most embarrassingly, I'm also the perpetrator of The Changeling (Garth Ennis) vote. My excuse is that I'd been up for nearly 24 hours when I voted, which could also explain L-Ron, but the truth is, I was a lazy bum who thought he knew The Changeling's alter-ego by heart. It's a good thing I didn't vote for The Mad Hatter (Benmont Tench).
It's OK -- maybe someone in a future Marvel poll will vote for "Wolverine (Garfield Logan)"!
I had Geo-Force on my list. And that, I think, was the only one from the above list.
That means someone else voted for folk like Negative Man, Ice and Halo? Wonderful!
And only 89 entries? Didn't the Marvel one have over 200? Sigh... do folk not love DC as much?
Characters of mine that made it to the "Stump the Chump" list: Joker's Daughter, Superwoman (Kristin Wells), Isis, Arion, Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi), Rose Forrest/Thorn, Harbinger, Night Girl
Characters I see on this list that I'm regretting not voting for myself: Crimson Fox, Lara Lor-Van Jor-El (who nearly MADE my list..she was pretty much #51), Maggie Sawyer, Brother Geek, Prez.
Characters I'm happy to find out that OTHERS voted for as well: Baron Winter, Polar Boy, Ambush Bug, Captain Carrot, Composite Superman.
MY stump the chump characters: Joker's Daughter, Superwoman Kristin Wells, Isis, Arion, Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi), Rose Forrest/Thorn, Harbinger, Night Girl
Stump the Chump characters I regret not voting for myself: Lara Lor-Van Jor-El, Maggie Sawyer, Crimson Fox
Characters I voted for that I'm (pleasantly) surprised aren't on this list: Baron Winter, Polar Boy, Amethyst, Captain Carrot
Seems like I was responsible for
Bernie the Brain
Clayface III
'Mazing Man
Morgan Edge
Look at them, a genius baby, a blob of goo in love with a mannequin, a non-powered millionaire do-gooder (Batman made the cut!!!), A tycoon controlled by Darkseid, a white man raised by injuns, a demon possessed dummy, and an outer space cowboy.
How in the Hell, did you guys not vote for these & SPACE CABBY MADE THE CUT??????? I think the poll was about 2910 people short of being valid.
I wish we could do the poll all over again, so I could vote for Black Adam as my no. 1 pick. The latest 52 took him to the top of the food chain, in my opinion.
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