Perry White, inept (but dapper) newsman
In the era of FOX News, press scandals and a timid Fourth Estate, only Ye Olde Comick Booke Blogge has the courage to storm The Daily Planet's ivory tower and call Perry White on the carpet for his questionable news judgment:
Finally, someone exposes Perry White for what he really is. God bless you, Ye Olde Comick Booke Blogge. God bless you.While most editors-in-chief reserve a dominating, above-the-fold headline for man walking on the moon, Perry will use it just to confirm that dinosaurs are, in fact, extinct.
... Perry White has no sense of what makes for good journalism. It appears the Planet puts out about a dozen or more editions every day, pretty much every time a new story rolls in the door, whether it's important or not. The reporting is self-centered, putting the reporters above the subjects, assuming the average person gives a rat's ass what Jimmy Olsen thought about a nuclear test.
Wow, I can’t wait until they turn their journalist sights on J. Jonah Jameson and The Daily Bugle, and his constant unwarranted personal attacks on Spider-Man.
Don't get me wrong, Perry seems like a nice enough man. He gave Jimmy Olsen a job, which was very progressive in the '50s as most people wouldn't hire the mentally handicapped at that time. Further, most employers would have fired him by the fifth time he gained dangerous superpowers that risked the lives and property of everyone and everything at the Planet.
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