The comic blogosphere seems to grow larger every day and just like comics, sometimes it's pretty easy to get a little lost. "Meanwhile..." will act as your map pointing out what interesting discussions are happening out there while you're reading the Great Curve.
Lots of stuff to cover this week, so sit back and turn on some nice tunes to read some blogs to (I'm currently listening to Underworld's "Jumbo") and lets make the rounds shall we?
Happy Time
You know why I like the Absorbascon? It's because of posts like this one where Scipio simply posts about things that make him happy. One post like that does more to renew my faith in comic fans than a million diatribes on the latest controversy sweeping the blogosphere. Plus he has a time machine and can go back to May 1976. That's nice too.
Becky's Blog
One of my favorite artists, Becky Cloonan, has a blog and I didn't even know about it till this week.
Hunger Is Not Super
Kevin and Superman ask for your help in feeding the hungry. Listen to Kevin, he knows things about Superapes.
Love and Discounts
Over at Flog! they have a Love and Rockets Survey. Fill that sucker out and you get discounts on Fantagraphics merchandise.
Worship the T-Force
Chris Sims regales us with the splendor of Mr.T and the T-Force.
Mr. T, of course, needs no introduction, but in the world of Neal Adams' head circa 1993, T isn't the van-driving star of Rocky III that we all know and love. Instead, he's a two-fisted vigilante with unexplained futuristic technology hell-bent on beating drug dealers with their own assault rifles and rescuing unwanted babies from dumpsters, all while videotaping himself as evidence to put the criminals away for good.
It is mind-shatteringly awesome, and that's not even getting to the part where he blackmails a kid into taking care of said dumpster baby.
There's oh so much more, including pictures, at the link.
Crisis Redesigned
Chris Tamarri's Crisis/Boring Change gets a new look along with reviews of All-Star Superman #3 and Little Star by Andi Watson.
On Existentialism: Why Paper Dolls Do(n’t) Cry, or Steve Gerber’s Myth of Sisyphus
You can probably guess by the title that Jim Roeg is back and in rare form as he contributes to Plok's Steve Gerber meme. Who else, but Jim can blog about Marvel Two-In-One #7 and include passages about God, Sartre, existentialists, Sisyphus, and the song “My Melancholy Baby".
And most of all, it is the painfully human happiness that is presented to us like a gift in that memorable image of Valkyrie wrapped in the Thing’s embrace: it is the happiness of knowing why paper dolls don’t cry but also why they do, of what it means to be “real people,” and of the strange communities that such difficult knowledge makes possible.
Speaking of Talented Bloggers
You all know I think Jog's Seven Soldiers reviews are the cream of the crop when it comes to interesting reading in the blogoverse. He's helped everyone out a bit by collecting them all in one handy post. See all of his Seven Soldier reviews here.
Interesting Interviews
Fractal Matter sits down with Christopher Golden & Tom Sniegoski the creators of Talent from Boom Studios.
The Comics Reporter interviews Grady Klein, the artist behind the The Lost Colony Book 1: The Snodgrass Conspiracy from First-Second books.
Speaking of First-Second Books, you can win all of the initial releases from the company over at Comic Book Galaxy.
Superman's Foot or Something More?
Sleestack always asks the questions everyone else knows better than to ask.
Black (Bolt) Conspiracy
Is Black Bolt being held back at Marvel? Can a character that can't speak hold someone's attention for 32 pages? According to Snark Free Waters there's a lot of potential in the character.
Happy Belated Birthday and FCBM
Happy Belated Birthday to Mark Fossen of Focused Totality. He decided to celebrate his birthday by giving out prizes. How cool is that?
Want more free comics? At Yet Another Comic Book Blog they don't celebrate Free Comic Book Day, instead they celebrate Free Comic Book Month.
Comic Book Vice
Drawn! sends news that Vice Magazine is putting out an all comic issue. Now if only I can find Vice Magazine.
Broadening Your Horizons
Interested in design and illustration? What Meanwhile does for comicsDesign Observer does does for the design community with massive linkposts.
One of the interesting links I found there... a collection of Typography For Headlines.
Simply Amazing
When you see David Hahn, make sure you tell him how amazing his work is.
More X-men ummmm Week
X-men "Week" continues at Dave's Long Box with NEW X-MEN "E IS FOR EXTINCTION", Dave's Totally Awesome X-Men Team That is Better Than Yours, and Previous X-Posts. All are essential reading for X-Fans.
Teen Titans Go! #33, step by step
Our very own Kevin Melrose points us to Sean Galloway's step by step process in creating the cover to Teen Titans Go #33.
Manga, Manwha, or OEL Part 2
Remember the game introduced us to a while back? Well, he's got the answers now.

Fabio Moon shares an interesting story about his brother's creation of the cover to Casanova #1 while Ian Brill shares his thoughts on the book itself.
Illustration Blog of the Week
This week we highlight the blog of Wildstorm and DC's very own Dustin Nguyen.
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