Can't Wait for Wednesday
Hot of the heels of last week's Infinite Crisis #7 comes DC's 52, which will focus on a world with no Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman. This week also brings the first issues of Marvel's Last Planet Standing, set in the Spider-Girl alterna-future, and Avatar's Wolfskin by Warren Ellis. On the trade front, Marvel offers the cult classic Skrull Kill Krew, Dark Horse and BMW present The Hire, and First Second's full spring line makes it onto the Diamond shipping list (although I thought they came out last week), with Lost Colony, Eddie Campbell's Fate of the Artist and many more.
Let's check in with the crew on their picks this week ...Kevin Melrose's Pick of the Week
American Virgin #3. I was on the fence with the first issue, but the events of Issue 2 really sold me on the series. The latest installment -- Part 3 of the four-part "Head" storyline -- promises more physical and moral danger for Adam Chamberlain as he and his stepsister try to find out what happened to the love of his life. I should've known better than to doubt Steven Seagle.
Tom Bondurant's Pick of the Week
I'm looking forward to Crisis On Multiple Earths Vol. 4, featuring JLA/JSA team-ups in the 30th Century and on Earth-S. Not even a clunker with special guest-stars Cary Bates and Elliott S! Maggin can ruin the guest appearances of the Legion of Super-Heroes and Marvel Family (plus all the other Fawcett characters).
JK's Pick of the Week
I'm going with First Second's Lost Colony Book 1: The Snodgrass Conspiracy, which has gotten good reviews on the 'net and looks like a lot of fun.
Shane Bailey's Pick of the Week
My pick of the week is 52 WEEK #1. This is an ambitious series, and I'm looking forward to see if too many cooks spoil the pot or make one of the best things since sliced bread, to mix my metaphors a little.
So what are you looking forward to? Check out Diamond's shipping list and let us know!
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