Meanwhile ...
Every week Shane Bailey brings you his column Meanwhile ..., pointing out what interesting discussions are happening out there in the comics blogosphere while you're reading the Great Curve (which we thank you for wholeheartedly). This week Shane’s computer came down with a virus, and while he’s bringing it back to life, you’re stuck with me.
So let's get to it.
Thank you for being a friend
I owe a thank you to Michael over at Adventure 247: Legion Omnicom for straightening out some facts for me last week in a post I did on the Legion of Super Heroes cartoon. This week Michael talks about George Perez's statement that he'd like to draw a Legion of Super Heroes book someday, which sounds like an excellent idea to me. He also shares the first artwork for the previously mentioned Legion cartoon, courtesy of

And Bouncing Boy gets cut off. No respect ...
Welcome Back, Blogger
Jim Roeg's Double Articulation returns after several weeks on hiatus, with thoughts on soap operas, Infinite Crisis, and stories that never really end. Thanks to our own Tom Bondurant for pointing out Jim's return.
Heads will roll
Devon at Seven Hells talks about symbols in the DC Universe ... how the Superman "S" means strength, and how new members of the JLA swear an oath on the hood of the Crimson Avenger. Then he adds his own symbol to the mix, forming a new order for members of the blogosphere--The Loyal Order of the Rolling Head of Pantha:

Other blogs are joining the movement. Get your application in today.
On my way to where the angels meet
Over at View from the Cheap Seats, the internet mash-up you've been waiting for: Sesame Street meets V for Vendetta in "C for Cookie". Ten points for their use of The Count. 1, 2, 3 ...
52 Pick-up
Ryan Higgins is an employee at Comics Conspiracy out in the great state of California. Sunnyvale, CA, actually, where I visited last week but never made it to the comic shop, because I was too busy fighting vampires.
(Shane will be back next week, I promise).
Anyway, Ryan has started blogging over at Your Mom's Basement, where he will give the retailer's perspective on DC's next big event--"an inside look into the thought process on a retailers ordering, promotion, and fan interest of 52."
Spoilers warning
On her blog Heaping Plateful, Vaneta Rogers gives out a few awards, including "Worst Kept Secret in a Comic":
Thor is back and so is Dr. Doom -- shocker, huh? I actually dropped FF right before the first issue in this storyline and didn't come back for this event -- why should I? I'll just look at the covers, which tell me everything that is going to happen in the issue. A close runner up is that Iron Man and Cap are going to fight in Civil War. Hasn't even happened yet, and I've seen it depicted at least a dozen times.
No Question about it
The Question starring Will Ferrell. Harvey Jerkwater is a genuis.
Rage Against the Machine
Drawn! founder John Martz has launched a new project called Machine Gum, "a series of comics and experiments in funny pictures." Fun stuff; go check it out. His jokes are better than mine.
And that's a wrap
Think some good thoughts for Shane's computer, and hopefully he'll be back next week. You can also drop his machine some well wishes at his newly redesigned blog, Near Mint Heroes.
Thanks for filling in! I'll be back next week whether I use my computer or someone else's.
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