Can't Wait for Wednesday
You may have taken potshots at Marvel and DC's mondo crossover event comics (Virgin Comics), but one of these comics is having the Best Week Ever ...

...sorry, I forgot where I was there for a moment.
Anyway, Infinite Crisis vs. Civil War. Yeah, I know we're talking about two different animals (aren't we?) and one is beginning while the other one ends ... but c'mon, the two most-hyped mini-series in quite a number of years from the two biggest comic companies show up in comic shops on the same day. You can't help but wonder which one fans will gravitate to, which one will sell more copies, which one will have the internet buzzing more. I guess we'll find out Wednesday.
Let's see what my fellow pop culture pundits have to say about this week's comics ...
Tom Bondurant's Pick of the Week
My pick is probably Infinite Crisis #7. I don't know how good it will be, but it's the elephant in the corner of the comics shop.
Chris Hunter's Pick of the Week
Civil War #1, and not for the reason that you may think. I'm a huge Steve McNiven fan, so that's the primary reason that I'm even buying this series. I'm sure that Millar will live up to at least some of the hype of the series and all the changes that it will create in the Marvel universe, but it's all about McNiven for me. Your mileage may vary.

Koni Waves #1: This new series caught my eye. Koni, a private investigator in Hawaii, finds herself up against supernatural forces: Vampires, mummies and of course, Tiki gods. One of artist Stephen Sistilli's inspirations for Koni is Modesty Blaise, a favourite comic strip of mine.
JK's Pick of the Week
Hmmm ... so we have one vote for Infinite Crisis, one for Civil War and one for a third-party candidate. I'm going to have to say that after last week's Villains United special and after seeing the IC #7 cover up above, I'm really looking for to the grand finale of DC's big event most of all this week. It's been a fun ride so far, and I bet they pull out all the stops. Plus there will be plenty of chances to get excited about Civil War in the coming months.
So what are you looking forward to? Go check out the Diamond shipping lists and let us know!
Stephanie, thanks for selecting my book Koni Waves as your pick of the week. I appreciate the support!
Mark Poulton
Writer/Co-creator - Koni Waves
hey update the link to best week ever:
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