The great 'booth babe' cover-up
In the world of comic conventions, the presence of scantily clad "booth babes" is debated as regularly as that of "glamour models" and bootleg DVDs. Still, they remain barely covered fixtures at several cons.But at this week's E3 Expo in Los Angeles, Reuters reports, a booth babe dress code is being enforced. That means no nudity, partial nudity, bathing suit bottoms or sexually explicit or "provocative" conduct. Violators face a $5,000 fine.
The new guidelines were announced in January by the Entertainment Software Association, sponsors of the video game industry's annual trade show.
"Last year there were a lot of complaints about how the models were beyond, in many cases, what was decent," said ESA President Douglas Lowenstein told Reuters.
Exhibitor Gail Salamanica said the new dress code has made at least some difference: "They're wearing slightly more clothes this year. But not much."
This was the only reason that I went to cons!!
This world is so wrong. SO WRONG!
Heh. ;)
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