
Monday, May 15, 2006

Creating comics for a cause

The Age out of Australia has a profile up on Holly Shorland, a comic creator diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago:

After treatment she wasn't able to slot back into her old life. She returned a different person to a different world.

At first she found it difficult to convey to friends and family what she had been through. Then she was inspired by the 24-Hour Comic Challenge to create a comic about her experiences.

"I finally found a way to tell people what I've been feeling," she says. "When they see the comic it really hits home."

Shorland is a contributor to Operation Funnybone, an Australian independant comic supporting The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, The Shuster-award winning Draw the Line is getting a sequel, Draw the Line Again, which will also benefit cancer research. The book made its debut last month at the Toronto Comicon:

And like the original DTL, all artists continue to graciously DONATE all their time and work so we may continue to put 100% of the proceeds towards CONQUERING CANCER! Some have even offered us originals so we may hold another silent auction to raise further funds towards our goal.

art by Bill Sienkiewicz

There is an added bonus to our project: by supporting this project through your generous donations and purchases, you are also propelling up-and-coming artists to new heights. This project, once again, publishes hot comic book legends such as Moebius, Stan Sakai and Bill Sienkiewicz, as well as Clive Barker, Götting and Ernie Chan alongside new rising stars. Needless to say, we’re thrilled to see many new artists join us in this win-win project.


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