
Monday, May 15, 2006

52 gets more mainstream raves

After gushing last week about DC's Manhunter, Jerome Maida of the Philadelphia Daily News moves on to 52, calling it "magnificent":

To rise to the challenge of producing a real-time weekly comic, DC enlisted four critically acclaimed writers for a unique collaboration that recalls the best of television ensemble writing and plays to the distinct strengths of each comic-book writer.

Geoff Johns (Infinite Crisis) balances character development with the epic scope of the series; Grant Morrison reimagines the genre trappings of the "mad scientist" and updates them for the 21st century; novelist Greg Rucka brings a noir edge to the streets of Metropolis and Gotham City; and Mark Waid combines his passion for DC history with his understanding of what makes these icons human.
Meanwhile, Newsarama has a sneak peek at the 52 solicitations for August. Full solicitations will be released at 5 p.m. today.


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