Can't Wait for Wednesday
For $20 this week, you can own something many people thought would never exist, the complete Spider-Man/Black Cat hardcover. That's almost enough to buy two copies of the new Scott Pilgrim book, Scott Pilgrim and the Infinite Sadness--one for you, one for someone you love. Or you could buy six copies of the latest She-Hulk, and hand them out to your five best friends. I don't know if I have five friends, so instead I could buy three copies of the Nextwave Agents of H.A.T.E. Crayon Butchery Edition and the 64-pack box of Crayons (with sharpener). Which could bring me some cool swag.
Now that I'm done showing off my fancy math skills, my cohorts have something to say ...
Tom Bondurant's Pick Of The Week
Villains United #7 ... er, that is, Secret Six #1. Gail Simone picks up where one of the best-received miniseries of recent years left off. It's more wacky fun with Catman, Deadshot, Scandal, and the gang! The Doom Patrol and a bit of the old Suicide Squad mojo are just gravy.
Shane Bailey's Pick of the Week
Secret Six #1: Gail Simone is on fire lately churning out series after entertaining series. I felt a genuine love for these characters by Simone when I read Villains United and I think it will be carried over into this series as well.
Chris Hunter's Pick of the WeekNextwave Agents of H.A.T.E. #5 - How can this book NOT be the pick of the week? Ellis and Immonen are crafting a classic, contemporary, hilarious series and I'll be there for every issue.
Stephanie Chan's Pick of the Week
I'm going to have to agree with Chris and also pick Nextwave Agents of H.A.T.E. #5. I am absolutely hooked on this fun fun series.JK Parkin's Pick of the Week
This is a tough one. I thought about Secret Six, but Tom took that one. Then I considered Nextwave, and along came Chris and Steph. Heck, I've actually gotten my wife hooked on Nextwave, which is the first time I've gotten her interested in any comic series Starman ended.
That leaves Scott Pilgrim, which I'm really looking forward to, and Villains from Viper, which I bought at CAPE earlier this month and enjoyed a lot more than I thought I would. I'm going to go with Villains, as I believe everyone already knows how cool Scott Pilgrim is.
What are you most looking forward to this week? Check out the Diamond shipping list and let us know!
JK - thanks for the pick, glad you liked it!
- ryan cody
- artist/co-creator of Villains.
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