
Monday, May 22, 2006

Straight shootin': Philadelphia Daily News on Hex

The Philadelphia Daily News, who two weeks ago reported on how much they liked Manhunter right before it was canceled, set their sights on Jonah Hex this week. Let's hope that's not a bad omen:

It is an irony of the comics industry that fans and retailers routinely complain that there are too many books about Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and the X-Men, and that the superhero genre dominates to an unhealthy extent.

Then, when presented with books starring different characters in different genres, those same fans and retailers almost always ignore them, choosing instead to buy, order and promote books about Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and the X-Men.

Because of this, publishers are reluctant to launch series in different genres - like Westerns. When they do, they know they had better be better than good. In that regard, DC's "Jonah Hex" hits the mark. It is a book that anybody who loves Westerns should be reading.

They go on to give six reasons why you should be reading the title and also covered the Glyph Awards presented at the East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention.


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