
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 interviews BKV has a lengthy and thorough interview up with Brian K. Vaughan on everything from the Y the Last Man movie to Ex Machina and 9/11:

Q: Ex Machina volume 3 just came out in trade last week, and we’re in the middle of the Moussaoui trial in the real world. The tie-in here is 9/11 – have you given any thought to what happened to the terrorists on the other plane that Mitchell Hundred was able to stop?

Vaughan: You know, it’s interesting. I suppose I have, but I guess it’s something I haven’t felt like addressing so far. Sort of like I would want to address the fact that in this fictional universe there are people who survived in that other tower because obviously in our world those people are gone. It was never my intention to cause pain to people, or it doesn’t exist just to be speculative: ‘What would have happened if these guys had been alive?’, it’s more about trying to find a new way to look at our world by looking at this funhouse mirror. I try not to get into specifics so much of that day.

(Thanks, Lucas!)


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