Intercultural Comics Exchange
According to European Jewish Press, German comics artist Jens Harder and a bi-national group of others from Germany and Israel will release a book called Cargo in English and German versions to commemorate 40 years of German-Israeli relations. Artists were commissioned to produce a collection of stories through comic book journalism that discuss their observations during a sort of international comics artist exchange that took place last year.
I would draw your attention though to the final two paragraphs, which characterize "comic-journalism."
Comic-journalism is a relatively modern phenomenon which was born in 1986 with the release of three American comic books which were aimed at adults and had deeper issues to explore.
This form of journalism isn’t meant to be objective and is said to be able to vent to many more feelings and emotions on a subject than a photo or script journalist.
I'm 90% sure this author Ashley Perry got her information from this Columbia Journalism Review article, or at least skimmed something stating the same and then proceeded to oversimplify comics and comics-journalism as a result. The CJR piece is great, but does anyone else not agree with me that this journalist may have been guilty of a little first-paragraph-skimming at the expense of hacked-together historical overview?
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