Going Solo
DC editor Mark Chiarello talked to Publisher's Weekly about the anthology series Solo, each issue of which features a different artist going nuts and telling whatever kind of story they want to tell: PWCW: Why base it around artists instead of a conceptual idea or a genre?
MC: I've had so many conversations with artists over the years in which they bemoaned the fact that there were so few western or sci-fi or prison break comics being done anymore. Hey, we all love superheroes, but sometimes you just want to draw an eight-page romance story! Solo was created to let top comics artists work on short stories of any genre that they wanted.
Chiarello said upcoming issues will feature Berni Wrightson, Brian Stelfreeze, Jill Thompson, Scott Hampton, Sergio Aragones, Brendan McCarthy, Kevin Nowlan, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez and George Pratt.
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