
Sunday, September 04, 2005

.TV hits month 3's third online only issue of The Magazine hit browsers Friday and looks to have lost a little bit of the steam that boiled up its features in the first two issues. And don't get me wrong; the Tom Peyer & Mark Waid interview of Yvonne Craig was a read I was glad to have had, but the overall direction of the site seems to be sinking further away from the glamorously exclusive creator on creator interviews and settled for a decidedly broader genre of fanboy-seeking magazine. For instance, the two lead interviews this month are Craig and Simon Pegg, two notable actors in their own rights and interesting people, but nonetheless two people not relevant in any way shape or form to comics today (unless you count Pegg's interest in portraying Rorschach). The lone creator interview is with Alex De Campi, and she's last on their list. It's too bad.

The features are still poignant for the most part. Though the fact that half of the 6 this month relate specifically to comics echoes my sentiments carrying over from the interview section. Read Mark Peyton's fantastically thorough history of DC's (and Quality Comics') Manhunter mantle. Also read Sabrina Peyton's rare spotlight on comics appropriate for all ages. Way down at the bottom of the table of contents is her must-read with a pair of interviews with Ted Naifeh and Andy Runyon.

So why the lowered prominence of creators? Was it just a busy convention month for all of their prospective subjects, or have they intentionally steered the ship toward generic fanboy pop culture. I'm hoping the latter isn't the case, but I suppose it will be October before we get an answer to that.


At 9/05/2005 04:53:00 AM, Blogger ADD said...

"The features are still poignant for the most part."

Are they really?


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