
Monday, August 29, 2005

Start your Engine

Warren Ellis announced on his Bad Signal list today that he'll be launching a new Web site soon called Engine:

It serves two purposes: a point for conversation about FELL, DESOLATION JONES and my other adult-oriented, non-superhero, creator owned works. There are loads of other places for people to talk about PLANETARY, NEXTWAVE, JACK CROSS, ULTIMATE SECRET and all. And also a stage for like-minded creators, involved in original non-superhero work, to talk about what they're doing. That, you'll note, is not an all-inclusive and all-welcoming stance, and I'm going to be selective about it, too. There'll also, with luck, be a space for pros to talk that'll be read-only to everyone else: there are conversations worth having in public that wouldn't survive thread-drift from the audience.


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