
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Engine Stalls

Today, Warren Ellis was planning to launch his new forum, The Engine. I guess you can't always get what you wish for. Here's a post from his Bad Signal mailing list:

bad signal
You have killed my beautiful forum, you bastards.
Hee hee. It's still showing a "too many connections"
error to me. The Engine is on a huge box, I've got
something like 33 gig of bandwidth to burn per day,
Beehive forum software is tough and stable, and
you've STILL kneecapped it.
Just as well I decided to open a day early, eh? Give
it a day to shake out the place and stress-test it
before FELL #1 comes out, I thought...
I'm actually finding this pretty funny. So many people
were saying that no-one would give a shit... hell, I
wasn't expecting more than a thousand people in
the first 24 hours, if that...
If you're still trying to connect, give it up. I'll send a
note through later when things have stabilised.
I slashdotted myself. Heh.
-- W


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