
Monday, August 01, 2005

Now, this is neat: Hitch interviews Lee

As I noted before, the second issue of Millarworld's "the.magazine" is out. What I didn't catch until now was a nifty interview of Jim Lee by none other than Bryan Hitch.

A nugget:

So You’re Jim Lee. Conquered comics, made a fortune, started and later sold your own company; sitting pretty. Why go back to pencilling full time again? My wife would love it if I gave it up and stayed home (at least for the first two weeks before telling me to go out and get a job)

Jim Lee: Well, this is going to sound overly corny but it was for happiness really. Running a company is really interesting work but the skills involved come from a very different place in your brain and the gratification you get from running a company well is completely different than the high that comes from drawing and telling stories. I really missed drawing and telling stories, and I knew I could still do it on a fairly regular basis, hopefully well. So I definitely had something to prove, not just to the fans but to myself. And as far as lounging around the home, I think even if I were to win the lottery tomorrow and bag 100 million dollars, I would still be doing what I am doing now. Right now it’s all about doing the best work possible with the best writers possible.

Click on the link for the full interview.


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