
Monday, August 01, 2005

Bloggers weigh in on Legion

Over the last few days, two respected members of the blogosphere have chimed in on Mark Waid and Barry Kitson's still young run on DC's new Legion title.

First up is Brian Cronin, from the very likable Comics Should Be Good. It should be noted, for no other reason than to stroke my ego, that Brian also chimes in at TGC from time to time. The gist of Brian's post is this: Waid's Flash run was a lot of fun. Legion is not. What's the deal? But let's hear it in Brian's own words:

Legion of Superheroes is filled with characters.

I just cannot see very many LIKABLE characters in the book.

Waid's Flash?

Filled with them.

Wally, Linda, Jay Garrick, Bart, Johnny Quick, Max Mercury...these characters were fun to read.

Also chiming in is Johanna, over at Comics Worth Reading:

I liked the recent LSH #8 least of the run so far, but Waid's done enough interesting things well on the series that he's earned my trust. I'm willing to see where this all goes, unlike the author of that piece and the commentors. I found the willingness of the reader to who liked #1-7 to ignore it all when deciding that #8 was the way the rest of the series was going to go disturbing. Are fans really that fickle, that one issue out of tone with all the previous will set their opinions for the whole run?

Her response is pretty thought out, and I suggest you all click on each entry linked here. I personally wasn't bowled over by the initial few issues of the series, but I'm not big on Legion, in any incarnation. I do, however, respect Waid and Kitson for trying to really reenergize a property that has flip-flopped in style for close to 15 years. But that's going off track. Is the book good, regardless of fun? I'm not sure. I'd love to hear what everyone else (that reads the title) has to say about it.

UPDATE: Corrected to actually, you know, LINK to Johanna. Sorry.


At 8/02/2005 01:48:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I really wanted to like Waid's Legion. Mark Waid is my favorite writer of all time, and the Legion holds a special place in my heart. But I just didn't like his new series and I ended up dropping it after issue 5. It's not a bad take, and both Waid and Kitson are turning in quality work. I initially couldn't put my finger on exactly why I didn't like the series. But then, a few months back, on the Newsarama boards, a poster was saying why he didn't like the new Black Panther series. Can't quote the guy word for word, but it was that it was a complete reworking of the character, essentially saying that every Black Panther story you've read before doesn't matter. And that's honestly a bit offensive. I invested myself in the previous Legion, watched them grow from their early days just after Zero Hour to the nifty sci-fi take that Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning gave us. Abnett and Lanning's take was radically different from what had come before, but they didn't just hit "reset", they worked the characters, presenting situations and challenges that moved them along until they got them where they wanted to be.


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