If you're gonna bash a guy...
If you're gonna bash a guy and/or his work, at least spell his name right.
Yesterday, Graeme McMillan (the spectacular force behind Fanboy Rampage) linked to a Newsarama thread debating the merits of Judd Winick's work (personally I'm partial to his work for Cartoon Network, The Life & Times of Juniper Lee).
Maybe it's the fact his first name employs two "d"s, thus confusing some folks. But it just drives me batty when people discuss Winick and can't seem fit to spell his name right. I mean three people into the Newsarama thread and the extra "n" appears, giving us "Winnick".
Now, with a first name like Graeme, combined with the unique capitalization of McMillan, you'd think he'd get the Winick spelling right. But hey, with a name like O'Shea, I totally am used to people botching my name. However, at the end of the day, I can't knock Graeme too much, because he provides some of the more interesting links of comics info on a daily basis, which earns him all the slack he wants.
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