Frank Miller talks frankly with SG

(not SFW)
...and he liked the Fantastic Four movie!'s Daniel Robert Epstein sat down with Miller and talked about a Sin City 2, All-Star Batman & Robin The Boy Wonder, and how reading Jim Thompson makes him want to take a shower.
FM: We’re working on putting the structure of Sin City 2 together but we’re talking about starting shooting in January.
DRE: What stories is it going to be?
FM: We’re talking about weaving together A Dame to Kill For and a new story I’m coming up with.
My favorite quote, however, comes from his own boyhood comparison to James Kochalka. It's just too cute.
DRE: I find Kochalka’s work so joyous.
FM: I think that he’s just going to become more important and it’s going to be fun watching that happen. He reminds me of me when I was six years old and I came into my mother’s kitchen with a bunch of sheets of typing paper folded over and stapled in the middle that were covered with drawings and I said “Mom this is what I’m going to do for the rest of my life.” I’ve learned a lot from people like Kochalka because they do stuff that shouldn’t work but does. Scott Morse does some fascinating things as well like The Barefoot Serpent. Also I happen to really enjoy the crime stories that Ed Brubaker writes, like Catwoman.
Somehow, I would really like to have seen Frank Miller approach his mother at the age of 9 with a few early sketches of Yellow Bastard or a gang of costumed prostitutes saying this. If I catch him at his signing session Sunday afternoon in Chicago, I'll be sure and ask him how she reacted.
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