
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Neal Adams: Let Marvel know what you think about Kirby

Via Michael Netzer, Neal Adams has shared his thoughts on how Kirby should be treated by the House of Ideas -- and what fans should do as well:

If any of y'all think Jack Kirby and his family should be treated exactly the same as Stan Lee and his family, by Marvel Comics, it would be a simple righteous thing if you would write a straight-forward letter to the publishers of Marvel Comics saying that is what you believe as a fan of their comic books. Say it any way you please, and know that many others will and I will do my very best to settle this issue in a positive way.

Marvel Enterprises, Inc. -- 417 5th. Avenue -- New York, NY 10016.

Good idea, Neal. And a movement that's long overdue.


At 8/03/2005 10:50:00 PM, Blogger Michael Netzer said...

With all fairness to Neal, Tim, he didn't get me to do anything. I didn't consult anybody before posting something Neal himself posted on another board. I just passed it along.

but you have other problems with the movement, I can understand that. I support it because it doesn't have anything to do with work for hire or that Jack went to DC. It has to do with that his co-creations are making a lot of people very rich, including Stan.

Jack Kirby, his legacy, his family and his estate deserve a little better. No excuse.

But seriously, you didn't like the Time story? I really went out of my way to make it fun.

At 8/03/2005 11:48:00 PM, Blogger Michael Netzer said...


I agree with you about questioning whether the call to arms will actually make a dent in the situation. It's possible, I suppose, but it would take a really massive effort.

On the other hand, I support the perpetual chipping away at the issue and the public awareness that generates, as a start.

I suppose I'm a romantic in that sense, and hope to see a day where all the comics properties revert back to their creators. I know how unrealistic that seems under the prevailing conditions, however. What I can do, and others who feel the same about the essenstial issue, is to help chip away at it.

That's what Neal and others are doing. Now, in looking back, that chipping away has done something positive for he creators over the decades. So, futile as it may appear now, I try to keep an eye on the long term picture.

Sorry about the skittish part. Just thinking about Jesus' courage and his giving his life for the truth which only he knew at the time, also makes me skittish. It's probably what drives me to make the connections with the Anti-Christ. How bad can he be, after all, if he brings peace and prosperity to a world like ours?
The story will have a good ending though, rest assured.


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