
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Paul Dini's Got a Blog

Mark Evanier has kindly tipped folks off to the fact that Paul Dini has started a blog.

Right out of the gates, Dini wins me over with a half-hearted self-effacing/self-promotional plug:

"...Though fondly remembered by many children of the 80's, He-Man was one of the stupidest shows I ever worked on. It was a cartoon that was anti-intelligent, anti-humor, anti-excitement, and still kids watched it. I dunno know I feel when I was recently told that out of the ten best He-Man episodes at least four were ones I had written. Uh, okay. Whatever, dudes..."

As a DC animated universe junkie, I look forward to seeing what he has to share in this blog. On another front, I'm already intrigued to see what comes of the graphic novel ideas he's preparing to pitch to DC.

As an aside, TGC sends its best wishes to Mr. Evanier's mother who endured two trips to the ER in the past few days. Despite what must have been a stressful few days for him, Evanier--as always--finds interesting tales to tell from the experience. Nonetheless, here's hoping that the Evanier family has no further ER tales for a long, long time.


At 7/27/2005 01:35:00 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Been LOVING JLU. Dini rocks.


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