
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wieringo's heating up

As a Miami, FL resident, I can totally relate to what Mike Wieringo is saying over at his blog. It isn't uncommon to see people walking around the streets drenched in sweat or near collapse. So, in this time of painful heat and sweaty shirts, 'Ringo provides readers with some good advice:

I can't imagine what it must be like for those folks in the more vulnerable catagories. I'm just very, very grateful that my heat pump is keeping it a wonderful 77 degrees in the house. As much trouble as I've had with it over the years, I was terribly afraid that it would choose this time as a perfect opportunity to punk out on me...... but fortunately, it's holding strong so far.

I hope everyone out there in the path of this temperature beat-down is keeping cool and safe. It's a perfect day for staying indoors and drawing or reading comics...!

UPDATE: Over at Comic Riot, Jason Richards is feelin' da heat as well. Keep cool, blogging brothers!


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