
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Kaare on Wolvie

Newsarama has an interview with Wolverine artist Kaare Andrews, who'll be handling the 13th and final issue of the overhyped Mark Millar run on the book

Oh, and by the way, Andrews reminds us that comics aren't real. Gasp!:

This is a story set in a made up world. It's inspired by our own, but come on... it's about a guy with 3 foot nails that pop out of his hand and a skeletal system chromed out in exotic metals. You can't treat this story literally. You can't say that in the real world there was a super hero who was a prisoner in this and such a prison. It doesn't work. Art is about exploring metaphors. The concentration camp that I'm drawing is really a sort of dramatic hell or some other kind of purgetory system. Wolverine is some kind of captor in that system. And the evil Nazi is his victim.

Those who know my tastes are aware that I'm not much of a Millar fan. I don't think his stuff holds up very well. I have yet to read something he's done and been really excited. The man's work just screams "MTV Comics" to me, and I can do without it. While some disagree, the only reason I'd consider picking up the trades of his run on Wolverine is John Romita Jr. And from what I can see from the preview images, Kaare Andrews as well.


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