Ultraverse Revisted
Is his weekly talk with Newsarama, Joe Quesada was asked about the status of the Ultraverse characters.
NRAMA: Marvel still has the Malibu/Ultraverse characters is there any interest in reviving this universe of characters? Or likewise, do you still receive pitches from creators looking to bring back some of the characters?
JQ: Let's just say that I wanted to bring these characters back in a very big way, but the way that the deal was initially structured, it's next to impossible to go back and publish these books.
There are rumors out there that it has to do with a certain percentage of sales that has to be doled out to the creative teams. While this is a logistical nightmare because of the way the initial deal was structured, it's not the reason why we have chosen not to go near these characters, there is a bigger one, but I really don't feel like it's my place to make that dirty laundry public.
I really am interested to know why Marvel can't use its Ultraverse properties. While the Ultraverse line premiered when there was an overflow of superhero comics, some of the titles were worth a second look. It would be nice to see reprints of Prime, Firearm, or Sludge.
I was an occasional comic book reader when the Mantra title debuted nearly 15 years ago. Recently, cleaning out my garage, I began re-reading the ones I had and really came to appreciate how clever, insightful and timely many of the themes (intentional or not) proved to be. I've since gone on-line and purchased all of the original Mantra books, the Spear of Destiny series, Necro-Mantra, and even the 2nd Mantra volume which was criminal in the way it destroyed the original concept.
The comic-based and comic-like movies lately have seen some real adult-oriented and even dark material, such as the latest Batman, Sin city, HellBoy and Underworld films.
There has also been a number of Hollywood films exploring sexual roles and identities, while such films are also finding a large commercial and critical audience.
I think a Mantra movie, done seriously and faithful to Mike Barr's original characters, would be incredible.
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