
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

What 6/15 Comics I Would Recommend

A little later than usual...sorry about that.

Spoilers ahead!!

Vimanarama #3

This was a really good ending to a really fun series.

Grant Morrison generally picks strong artists to work with, but it usually rare for the artist to outshine him on the project, but I think that is exactly what happened with Phillip Bond on this series.

Don't get me wrong, Morrison is strong as usual (and some of his funniest lines of recent Morrison memory are in this series), but Bond has been given the freedom to just go nuts with the art, and it shows with the creativity and interesting art Bond uses.

Marvel Knights 4 #19

See here to see me talk once again about how much I like what Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa is doing on this title.

Seven Soldiers: Klarion #2

What a great cover!

This issue was much more plot-centered than #1, which was a much more characterization-based issue.

Wolverine #29

You know what I think about repeating myself..hehe. Check here for my Wolverine #29 thoughts.

Ex Machina #12

This was a cool flashback to the superhero days of the Great Machine, while also doing what Vaughan likes to do in a lot of his books - apply a supehero motif to a real life setting, and see what happens.

In this instance, Vaughan shows us what a real-life super vigilante would be like.

Creepy stuff.

Great Tony Harris art (as usual).

Hero Camp #2

A strong bounce back issue by Greg Thompson and future art star Robbi Rodriguez. See here for why I liked it so much.

JLA Classified #8

I will admit, I may be biased with this recommendation, as I am a big Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire fan.

But I thought this was a fun comic book, with very nice Kevin Maguire artwork.

The following comics I liked well enough, but I would not go as far as to say I recommend them:

Year One Batman Ra's Al Ghul - An able effort by Devin Grayson, but the story just is pulled down too much by the conceit. Nice Gulacy art (for a change).

Battle Hymn #3 - This was an interesting, yet dark, issue.

Death Jr. #2 - I did not think the character motivations rang true enough. Nice art, though!

Daredevil #74 - This is a drawback of Bendis, I think, when the later issues of an arc are almost cookie-cutter copies of the earlier parts of the story. Still a strong issue.

Gambit #12 - Why couldn't the first 6 issues be anywhere nearly as good as the last 6 issues?

GLA #3 - Slott does a good job with Monkey Joe, but the other characters - I am not feeling them enough for the pathos to really affect me at all.

Powers #11 - Well done for what it was, but what it was was kinda boring.

Uncanny X-Men #361 - This was a fun issue.

Spider-Man: Breakout #3 - I like the characterizations, but the plot just isn't doing it for me.

That's it for me!

Feel free to share your thoughts about the week that was!

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