
Thursday, June 02, 2005

Batman's Religion

CBR has a discussion of Batman's religious beliefs:

He probably believes in the existences of gods and demons (in the plural for both), but he doesn't believe in any particular religion. He certainly doesn't operate under the assumption that any God or gods are all-powerful. I'm sure that if he encountered ANY deity and disagreed with what they were doing, he'd do whatever was in his power to stop them. And he'd truly BELIEVE he could outsmart or defeat any god if he had to. For example, Batman wouldn't back down to any of the New Gods on New Genesis or Apokolips, or the Roman gods on Olympus if they got in his way.

As for whether or not he really believes in Jesus of the "miracles" of saints or whatever, he's probably seen way too many "miracles" achieved by aliens (Superman) or magic (Zatanna) to believe that anyone was destined to be mankind's savior or whatever. After all, I'm sure Superman by now has done 100 times more for humanity than anyone claims Jesus or any other savior or religious leader has done.

A complimentary take:

That's closest to my thoughts on the matter, which would be that the Waynes were Episcopalian but Bruce's faith has since lapsed. Nowadays I'd say he's somewhere in the agnostic or deist area: he probably believes in souls and in some kind of heaven (I recall him asking the Spectre a few years ago about his parents), but isn't into churchgoing or any particular tenets of faith.

Some disagreement:

Batman doesn't believe in a "god" as we [know] it. He believes that there are ultra powerful beings in the universe except all there powers and such are derived from science. It has been stated in many batman comics that he indeed is an atheist.

Personally, I'd say that Batman is religious to the extent that he believes in strong distinctions between good and evil. In addition, I would speculate he believes that the good will ultimately be rewarded and the wicked punished. Still, I wouldn't say that he follows a specific tradition. Just a general sense of cosmic justice. What say you?


At 12/04/2005 04:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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