State of the Industry Feedback ... I get letters
More than a dozen emails arrived in response to my recent entry upon the State of the Industry. Two emails were hateful and filled with bile. I won't address them here. But most of the emails said the same thing. Comics need to be cheaper. If children of reading age can ever return to the market in order for the market to grow, comics have to be offered to them at a price where they seem like a good deal. I wholly agree. Comics are great, but if a kid can spend that money towards a video game, or movie, or snowboard, then comics need to be affordable, and seen not as a throwaway item. Now I am not saying "blah blah blah ... in my day comics cost 12 cents dammit, why can't they still be that cheap..." But when comics were 30¢ each I made five dollars spending money a week (and saved twenty dollars a week). Guess what I bought? Yep, as many comics as I could. Hellzbellz. I can't afford to do that now, and I am a damn adult. ... sigh...
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