
Thursday, April 14, 2005

Odds and Ends

Just read Batman: The Man Who Laughs and, really, how many more Joker "origin"/"early years" stories do we need?

This was ok. Nothing really page-turning but it was enjoyable. I think that Brubaker is done with Batman though. Give the man some other work. His talent is wasted here and if you disagree, then you've never read Sleeper, so just shut up.

And give The Joker a rest already. Permanently for all I care.


Look, you really need to be reading The Walking Dead. It's almost the perfect monthly comic book. (Yeah, I said it.) Really. Don't make me tell you again. Issue #17 was great and I have to see what happens in #18 RIGHT NOW, but I gotta wait like everyone else. Bastards. Check out what's going on with the series and with the creators here.


I'm currently diving into the mad abyss known as The Invisibles, starting, of course, with the first trade. I figure with all of the Morrison stuff being shoved down our thoats this year, I'd take a look at some of his earlier work. Maybe this will leave as good a taste in my mouth as We3 did. I'll let you know.


Gone. And now they're back. Make up your mind, people...


Ringo's at it again. This time he's working on Mary Jane. Pretty. Click on image for a biggie.


Deadshot was freaking great. This was an unexpected pleasure. I was about to add, "If DC was smart, they would release this in trade", but I think that we all know that DC isn't too bright nowadays.


And for some REAL comics activism, this is all you need to know. Read and obey.


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