The Week at the Curve
Week of April 7, 2005
Curveland was a-buzz this week; and strangely enough, the buzz was about more than just "Sin City" and Countdown. Though we have of course kept stride, spotlighting Johanna's and Alex Ness's takes on the former, as well as more Countdown takes than you can shake a stick at--as they popped up here, here, and here. Also, for more OMAC coverage, look here.
With that out of the way, let's look at the highlight reel from this week. (I really wish we had some sort of Sportscenter like theme for you to hear right now.) Matters of conscience were the talk of the week, both spiritually and otherwise. Yours Truly had a bit of a lump on his own conscience after sparking a bit of a flame war over an article about gender roles in comics. Thanks so much to the run-and-gunners for throwing the kerosene on that one. I think Lea had to take a few breaths after it was all over as well.
Meanwhile, the Pope died, if you didn't hear. And while I was really hoping for someone with a copy of the old Marvel Comics tribute to step forward with a little commemoration piece (or at the very least something about Battle Pope), all we ended up getting was Popeman and a look at Jeph Loeb's Spirit-ual endeavors.
My favorite post of the entire week is a no-brainer though. If you haven't checked out Alex's interview with Ed Brubaker, get thee to this link. To echo Chris Hunter's sentiments, I hope to see a lot more of these.
As for the thread quote of the week, I'm veering away from that flame war I mentioned earlier and looking over to TJ's SBC post, which asked, "When was the last time you read a comic in public?" We got a lot of great answers on this one--a personal favorite of mine being Alex's description of the biohazard attire he wears when flipping through the pages of his old NM Blue Beetle appearances on the subway. The slice of cake with the balloon on it has to go to Tom Spurgeon and Chris Hunter, however, for this little exchange:
Tom: I like to ride around on public transit reading "Crack Whore."
Chris: Tom, I thought I was the only one. The ONLY one. It's good to not be alone.
These are the moments of connection that make me proud to be a TGC contributor. So keep it up everyone. Enjoy the week, and I'll see you back here in seven days. Same Curve time. Same Curve URL.
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