
Sunday, February 20, 2005

A Scanner Darkly

Do yourself a favor and check out the trailer for this new movie.

The look of it is like a comic book. Literally. Literally moving pictures. It's a very unique look. And it has Keanu Reeves in it.

Anyone see Constantine yet? I want to but haven't yet. I know nothing of the comic Hellblazer, but I do have to say that the trailer for Constantine has held my interest since the first time I saw it. We'll see.

Speaking of movies, Christian Bale appeared at WonderCon this weekend and drew a lot of fan acclaim from his understanding of Batman.

"Bale's take on Batman was that he would be a very dangerous, scary, monstrous individual when he wore the suit. No humor would come from Batman himself, although it might come from Alfred or other characters in the film. One fan asked Bale if he thought of Bruce Wayne and Batman as one person or two separate characters. Bale replied that he thought Batman was the real persona of Bruce Wayne, while the Wayne character was a mask that just allowed him to function in regular society. Many fans applauded Bale throughout the Q&A whenever it seemed that he really got the essential character of Batman."

My only problem with this film is that David Goyer is involved and Blade: Trinity was utter crap thanks to Goyer. Yes, crap. Don't even get me started. But maybe Goyer had learned a lot since then, who knows. Again, we'll see.

And just to get on Tim's nerves, surprisingly from of the new Fantastic Four movie cast, here's the "I Don't Know What The Hell I'm Talking About" quote of the week:

"McMahon spoke about seeing the Fantastic Four cartoons as a kid in Australia, then later reading the comics upon which they were based. It was quite amusing when a fan asked if Galactus was going to be in the second film, and McMahon had no ideawho
this was. "Yes, bring Galactus, I'll kick his ass in the next movie!""



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