
Sunday, February 20, 2005

Constantine is a good movie.. really

I just saw Constantine and I am absolutely goddamn shocked. I really enjoyed the film.

I’m a Hellblazer reader, so believe me my heart sank into my spleen when I first heard who was playing John Constantine. But after watching the movie I can honestly say the essence of the character is intact, thanks to.. ahem.. a subtle, but sly performance by Keanu Reeves. Like most people who enjoy quality acting - or hell, even decent acting - I normally laugh heartily at Reeves, not unlike an angry clown strapped to a tickle chair. But Constantine is, without a doubt, the best Keanu performance since he made me believe in a young adventurer named Ted.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few reviews out there that bash Constantine. If you are a comic book fan.. nay, if you are a fan of entertainment in general, do yourself a huge favor and avoid them (especially the ramblings of Roger Ebert, who somehow incorporated a shout out to arctic wildlife in his critique).

Constantine is a highly enjoyable comic book movie with cool special effects, nice bits of humor and an epic storyline about Heaven and Hell. Don’t miss out because you're mad that Keanu ain’t Sting and the monkey at your local paper told you to stay away. If you like comics you should like Constantine.


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