
Monday, January 24, 2005

What's Old Is New Again

ToyNewsInternational has a beautiful New Avengers #3 preview up. I was pretty skeptical about this series, especially with Bendis' pointless desolation of the team in his "Chaos" run, but I am diggin' this series. The art's fantastic and the writing's not your run of the mill, 3,000 words per page Bendis dialogue (which works really well on books like Daredevil...sometimes, but wouldn't in a team book like this). My main problem with the series is that I don't see it lasting. First of all, putting "New" in front of a title will get very old very quickly. When does New Avengers #50 come out? It just sounds silly. Another problem is that, even though I really like the idea of Spider-Man joining a team and interacting in the typical Avengers-family style of living, I don't see how this isn't going to lead to major continuity headaches. He's not Superman who can fly everywhere and still hold down three monthlies, even if he's living in Avengers Mansion or Tower or wherever he'll be living. And don't get me started on Wolverine's involvment, whatever it may be. If I had it my way, this would just be another run on the original title and not a new series. Like everything else in comics, this will just be a phase in the Avengers long history.


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