A Messner-Loebs update
A few of you know the latest on former Wonder Woman writer William Messner-Loebs, pictured above. He's hit a rough patch of late, including losing two homes to creditors and theft, a severe auto accident and the death of his mother. Luckily, comic fandom stepped in when the money was tight, but thisstory from The Detroit News reveals that Bill, while optimistic and dedicated, is still not out of the woods.
"The worst thing in the world is telling creditors you don't have any money," he said.
Messner-Loebs said his money was used to pay medical bills for his late mother and Nadine. Nadine's skull was fractured when she was mugged 30 years ago. There was some brain damage, resulting in migraines, vertigo and food sensitivities.
It's hard for Nadine to find steady work because of her medical problems. Neither Messner-Loebs nor his wife receive disability payments.
To make matters worse, when he lost the house, Messner-Loebs was not working.
"I thought I'd be getting a job any day, but it didn't work out," he said. His last comic book work was in early 2000. He speculated that he hasn't gotten work because of leadership changes at Marvel and DC Comics.
"There are very few people in comics who remember who I am -- it's been over four years."
But some fans learned about Messner-Loebs' plight and sent him some money and he received a small inheritance when his mother died. The couple bought a mobile home in 2002.
However, the mobile home was full of mold, and the man who sold it to him wouldn't take it back, Messner-Loebs said. Several months later, the mobile home was stolen, he said.
Ever since, Messner-Loebs and his wife have lived in a small hotel in Howell, but spend a lot of their time at the Brighton Senior Center.
The story isn't presented to be a downer. In fact, the focus is on how Loebs manages to keep fighting despite the numerous obstacles life has thrown in his path. I really wish him the best and hope he gets another crack at finding a steady comic gig. DC, Marvel, Image...listen up. It isn't about charity. The man can write, as proven by his credits. He just needs a break. My fingers are crossed.
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