
Monday, January 31, 2005

Nightwing Gets New Blood announced that the art team of Phil Hester and Andy parks will be moving into Gotham to work on Nightwing with go-to Bat-writer Devin Grayson. Hester reveals how he and Parks got the job:

Dan DiDio told us he wanted Nightwing to get a bit of a push this year and he felt having a stable art team on the book was a step in that direction. It all went down between San Diego and Chicago last summer. We still had a few issues of GA to go when we knew we had Nightwing as our next gig.

He went on to explain what he will bring to the book as an artist:

Nightwing is a Bat-book, and I hope my naturally dark, angular tendencies will play well in the back alleys of Bludhaven and Gotham City. Nightwing has a little more frenetic, bouncy energy than Green Arrow, so I'm trying to capture that gestural energy when drawing him. It's the change I was looking for when I left GA.

I know I'm excited. Hester is one of those artists that I didn't expect to like and ended up loving. Go figure. DiDio really seems to have something planned for the former Robin and I think it's about time. I'm a big fan of Batman and his partners who run all aspects of the vigilante spectrum. Deep.


At 8/11/2005 01:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, they need to find a better writer than Grayson and it's cake.


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