
Sunday, January 09, 2005

Loeb's Girly Book

Jeph Loeb talks to about his upcoming Supergirl series with Ian Churchill. After reviewing Kara's origin Loeb went on to discuss her place in the DCU:

All of that aside, however, Kara spent most of 'Superman/Batman' #8 - 13 trying to discover who she is and what she wants to be. This will be a continuing theme for the first year of the title. Usually, a hero puts on the costume and goes out and does the job. Kara's not so sure -- she's very new at this -- all of this. Earth. Powers. Hero. It's all new. But, she's very strong willed and determined to make it work. That has both good and bad in it. It's important to remember that she's a teenager. And most fifteen, sixteen year olds don't really know what want to do with their lives.

Okay, am I the only one that feels weird about her being fifteen or sixteen? Turner was drawing a young woman in her mid 20's if you ask me, maybe Churchill will correct this to some extent.

We also learn that Superman and Batman have continued to keep tabs on her and as her 'uncles' (in a very loosely defined way), they feel very responsible -- particularly Superman who still has to learn to let this girl go her own way. But -- and here's the fun -- they aren't the only one's watching. That mystery is tied into 'Identity Crisis' and I've been talking to Brad Meltzer who is such an inspiration for where this is all headed!

Better late than never with the quality Identity Crisis tie-ins. I'm glad to see other writers actually doing something with the storyline.

Fans can expect a Power Girl/Supergirl battle in the pages of "Supergirl" #1. At the moment, Supergirl is clearly Loeb's character to define, while Power Girl is a character that Geoff Johns has been spending time defining in the pages of "JSA." In addition to being two of DC's big-guns, Loeb and Johns are close friends and share office space together in Los Angeles, so Loeb has Johns' total approval to work with Power Girl.

Loeb clarifies that the story will involve the entire JSA and not just Power Girl, but I'm glad to see they're going to confront this right away. I also hope they deal with the other Supergirl. Is she even still around? I know the one that popped up in the Superman books last year is gone, but have no idea what happened to the one based on the cartoon (or whatever she was).


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