X-Fever: X-Men on the cover of Entertainment Weekly
Continuing our ongoing coverage of coverage of the new X-Men flick, Entertainment Weekly this week features Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman on the cover, ready to attack evil mutants, bestseller adaptations, pirates and their fellow comic book alumni this summer:

The article focuses mostly on director Brett Ratner:
Ratner admits he was never really into X-Men comics, but ''neither was Bryan,'' he says. And Rothman maintains that Ratner was a less controversial choice than Singer (''I got hate mail when Bryan Singer was hired'') and possibly more up to the challenge of making a big studio movie than the less blockbuster-savvy Vaughn. ''The Rush Hour films are extremely effective commercial enterprises,'' says Rothman. ''He's an experienced big-picture maker. He's used to a set with, literally, a cast of thousands and hundreds of technicians. To have somebody who's not daunted by that, we were very lucky.''
''I'm kind of a fearless guy,'' says Ratner, somehow managing to sound both cocky and earnest.
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