Why can't LXG get a 'do-over'?
Last year, Warner Bros. restarted the Batman franchise from scratch with Batman Begins. Likewise, Marvel resurrected The Punisher in 2004, all the while ignoring Dolph Lundgren's dyed-hair depiction of Frank Castle from 1989.
Then there's the upcoming Superman Returns, in which Bryan Singer pretends parts three and four of the franchise never happened.
So, Cinematical's Mark Beall wonders, why can't The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen -- or LXG, as the hip kids call it -- get a "do-over"? (I'd just like to point out that FOX's website for the DVD says Gentlement at the top. Yes, with a "T.")
But back to Beall:
More at the link, of course.So I ask you, why not? The first one was miserable -- you know it, I know it, Alan Moore knows it. I highly suspect even the people responsible for making the film have some vague idea of it's poor quality. I desperately wanted this film to be good, and most of the comic book community did as well. The comic book (graphic novel) story is fantastic, the characters are wonderfully well written, and the dialog is clever. Then along came a Hollywood attempt at a movie, and the story got stupid, the characters were flat, and the dialog almost killed me.
The solution? Let's forget it existed and try again. Give it to somebody who could really handle the property and reboot. Sure, the last one only happened three or so years ago ... but who cares? By the time scriptwriting, filming, and production happens it'll be at least five to six years in the past -- and if one thing is true about modern Americans, it's that we've got a very short memory.
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