Small bites ...

... or, items that don't quite rate full entries.
Gorillaz wins Webby
Gorillaz, the virtual band founded by Blur frontman Damon Albarn and Tank Girl cartoonist Jamie Hewlett, was named Artist of the Year by the Webby Awards, which honors web site design and creativity.
Wildly popular social-butterfly site won the Breakout of the Year Award. A full list of winners can be found here. The Associated Press has the full story.
What's next, Mary Worth hair salons?

"I have had this idea for 30 or 40 years," Blondie cartoonist and company co-founder Dean Young told The AP. Young, 66, inherited the strip from his father, Chic Young, in 1973.
Along with a planned menu of New Orleans-style roast beef, cold cuts, salads, beer and wine, the restaurants will feature an honest-to-goodness Dagwood sandwich, "checking in at a pound-and-a-half and several inches tall, for those with huge appetites and wide jaws."
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