Can't Wait for Thursday
Typically Memorial Day would mean the week's comics would be a day late in the United States, yet the Diamond shipping list has tomorrow's date on it. Hmmm ... I guess it's best to call before heading to the local shop this week.
Update: Um, go tomorrow, America. Canada, you can go today.
Whenever they arrive, it will be a smaller week than usual ... although any week where an issue of Local ships definitely makes it worth the price of gas to get to your LCS. From DC, there's Superman/Batman #26, a tribute to Jeph Loeb's son Sam, and via Vertigo, the penultimate issue of Lucifer ships, featuring a "girls night out" with the series' female leads and their new God. Speaking of penultimate, I'm not sure whether I should be happy that a new issue of the Thing comes out, or if I should be sad that there's only one more issue coming after it. Maybe I'll go with blind rage.
From Image, you have two new graphic novels to choose from -- Five Fists of Science (Inventors gone wild!) and Night Trippers (The Beatles meet Buffy?). Both are worth a look. And Boom! ships the first issue of the ongoing Hero Squared comic, which I believe is actually their first ongoing title. Congrats to Boom! on this milestone. Now let's here what the rest of the team is drooling over this week ...Tom Bondurant's Comic of the Week
I'll be getting the Sam Loeb benefit issue Superman/Batman #26, but my pick of the week is the first issue of the ongoing Hero Squared. Just a sucker for the ol' bwah-ha-ha, I guess.
Chris Hunter's Pick of the Week
Ultimate Extinction #5 - Just how late is this book? Anyway, really have liked the way that Peterson has reinvented himself again to draw this series and now it comes to an end. I'm looking forward to exactly how they will defeat the threat and what comes of the Ultimate universe because of it.Stephanie Chan's Pick of the Week
I'm not sure how to make a write up for this book, because I'm so hyped and totally biased about it. Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #38 -- I am the assistant colourist! My first credit! JK Parkin's Pick of the Week
I'm looking forward most to Five Fists of Science, by Matt Fraction and Steven Sanders. Featuring scientists that kick ass not named Batman. Plus Mark Twain. MARK TWAIN! How can you not be excited?
What are you looking forward to getting this week? Check out the Diamond shipping lists and let us know!
Her breasts aren't big enough.
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