Stan Sakai's Excellent Adventure
The Honolulu Star Bulletin this week ran a trip report from Usagi Yojimbo creator Stan Sakai, who went to Span with Sergio Aragones:
Sergio Aragones and I had been invited to the XI Salon del Comic de Granada. I had met Alejandro Casasola Medina, the festival director in 2004 when Sharon and I were guests of the Expo Comics festival in Madrid. I was not able to accept his invitation for 2005, but he was kind enough to extend one for this year.
We met at LAX at 8 a.m., Monday, March 6 for a 10:06 Continental flight to Newark, NJ. The boarding agent recognized Sergio, and asked him to autograph his boarding pass. I thumbnailed the story for Usagi Yojimbo #96 on the flight, while Sergio worked on gags for "A Mad Look at Cats." We had a two-hour layover in Newark, so we had a leisurely wait for our connecting flight to Madrid. Everything was going smoothly, that is until we reached the Madrid/Barajas Airport.
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(Link via Mark Evanier)
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