
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Superman Returns in EW

The latest issue of Entertainment Weekly features not only a Superman Returns cover and a Q&A on the film, but also a new edition of their Great American Pop Culture Quiz, which is loaded with Superman and comic book questions.

Some of them are fairly easy (On the '70s-era TV series Challenge of the Super Friends, which DC hero was a not a member? Superman, Captain Marvel, Batman, Aquaman) while others took a little thought (I never realized there was a Kryptonite that destroys vegetation). And other questions don't have anything to do with comics, but are still fun, like the name of the Fockers' dog and what two Twin Peaks alumnae have appeared on Gilmore Girls.

You can read some of the Q&A online, though they only let subscribers and AOL members read the whole thing. The "floppy" version is on newstands now.


At 4/11/2006 11:39:00 PM, Blogger rjsodaro said...

You know JK, I get EW, and had scanned in the cover and the pop quiz at the end, and was prepared to post it, only work and the upcoming holidays kept me from doing so. I’m glad you did.

At 4/12/2006 08:58:00 AM, Blogger Guy LeCharles Gonzalez said...

Am I the only that saw this cover and had a bad feeling about the movie? He just looks so damn corny.


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